Today I found out I am cleared for Chemo #4- that's tomorrow. And there will be no break before the next kind of chemo. I start Pathlotaxal(sp?) in two weeks! This drug, course ( what is the correct term?) one will be every week and I don't have to see the Dr. every week - cool. 12 weeks of this new one. It looks like everything just moved up in schedule. I should be ready for surgery in early December. Fun times.
The doctor promised me (again) that this drug is much more easily tolerated.
Ok, you gotta keep your right up, UP. He's knocking you around out there. And jab for crissakes would ya jab! It's not a slap fight. You're not tickling someone on the playground for crying out loud ya mook!
Oh, wait a minute. Which blog is this?
Oops, sorry Sel. That was the comment for the boxers blog in which I participate. But hey, do keep your elbows in and cover, cover.
Selena - this is GREAT news, right?! Keep on fighting. Your attitude is inspiring.
Love to you and Chris,
My dear Asseebola, Seleebola, Serena, Sel...
Glad to hear you are moving on...this sounds like good news! Keep on keepin' on! I'm proud of you.
I see a bright light...
Cheryl Mae
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