Thanks for all the comments,messages,energy and prayers. There is some light!! Yesterday Selena said " Wow, I've been up for four whole hours". Today she went to the beach with Chris for a wee outing.
I took you'al advice and made brownies tonite. Chocolate, chocolate yum! It made ME feel better. Also good to talk to my friend Sandy, couldn't do without you girl!!
Gustav is looming and we made plans to go to Houston to stay with Michael and Donna Mitchell but we are waiting till tomorrow to see which way he is heading? We won't evacuate unless we have to do so. Chris is worrying about being without electricity and with Selena's compromised imune system becoming ill soo.... I did go out to the library and stocked up, also filled up the small car with gas in readiness.
Chris got me an Ipod. Yes I now have a purple Ipod and yes I am using it. Chris put one of Alexander McColl Smith's books on it that I had not read and I am again walking with Mma. Romotswe and her #1 detective agency.
They will drag me into the electronic age protesting all the way but getting there anway.
1 comment:
What a piece of work is a man, how noble in reason, how
infinite in faculties, in form and moving how express and
admirable, in action how like an angel, in apprehension how like
a god! the beauty of the world, the paragon of animals . . . .
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