Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Marginally better in body and spirit

I like my grey hair. I had Chris buy me some dye on the day I got out of the hospital and have yet to use it. You see, it is in my medical records, in the notes, that Chris is my son. Amusing, the first couple of times. He has had other medical students ask him how his mother is. Now, he is only 5 years younger, so it's not possible. Also, at the height(really, low) of my treatment I looked about 60 - but still.

I applied for my job today. That was fun. You may remember that there was a Reduction In Force in my district and I was "impacted." Since my school was closed (thank you hurricane Ike) there is only one Theatre arts job and there were two of us sharing a room. Luckily Brandon has since taken a job elsewhere. The Director of Fine Arts says he wants to keep me... I guess I should put in some other applications at other local districts to hedge my bets.

I feel a bit better. I don't see much improvement in the appearance of my chest, but it hurts less and I'm not feeling so wiped out. I actually went out and ran a few errands today!


Unknown said...

You COUGAR...LOL. I am seven years older than John. I told him that is what they will do with us. So glad to hear things are a bit better. We keep Praying..Love John and Re

Mary Roy said...

You CRADLE ROBBER!! Find Kombucha and drink it. I'm not saying it's the miracle elixir but it's loaded with probiotics and enzymes, etc. and may facilitate the healing of your chest. I'm not saying, I'm just saying.

Joel David said...

Have actually been meaning to tell you I like you grey, keep it. Also, how well do you think it will take color? You want to look like a Luby's-lunch-crowd-blue-hair? Fine, go ahead. I'm not stopping you.
Okay, that is hilarious about Chris, especially since you have always been the youngest looking of our crowd.
I'm practicing "eroticons." Which looks better, the B or the 8?