I was informed that my job has been "filled." After a few days of pure depression and self pity, I am now trying to use the anger I feel to get me moving. For the first time in my life I'm contemplating legal action. Because of a series of illegal and unethical things done by my former school district I don't have a job and school starts in 3 weeks. The likelihood of finding one is not good, either. What was done to me was unethical in the least and certainly, according to the ADA which covers cancer, illegal. Any of my friends/family know an employment lawyer?
Physically, I have been responding well to the lymphatic massage done to me by the physical/occupational therapist. Otherwise this job thing has hit me hard and I'm in full bore depression. Everything aches and I wish I could just go to sleep if not forever, for a very long time. No I'm not suicidal - I would never go there - but I FEEL LIKE CRAP. I also can't seem to stop crying. If I really thought that there had been a better candidate for my job from the RIF pool I'd be lots better, but that is not possible. All of this is compounded by the fact that conflict makes me physically ill...
Breathe. This too shall pass. I am alive. I am loved. I am an excellent teacher.
You're my favorite when you're angry.
What are you going to do kiddo? What are your options? Obviously the interview gave no indication this was coming, or even plausible.
Go to the school board. Go to the parents. This aggression will not stand!
Do you belong to the Union? There must be some sort of educational organization to which you can appeal, even in TX.
On the other hand (remember I'm a middle child) Is this a battle you want to have right now? I now it's important to you. If you don't do it now it won't be there to do later. I know. I know you can't afford to be unemployed. Who can?
Okay, go kick some @$$. Start a picket line. Rise up and revolt. Power to the people!
Knock-em dead. Luck and love.
Have they given you any reasons why you were not re-hired? I would demand those. And talk to your union, too, so you understand whether or not they can help you. They may have legal services you can leverage.
My sister is a corporate insurance lawyer in DC, and knows the employment lawyers in her firm. If you'd like, I can ask her to put you in touch with one of them.
BIIIG hugs to you and Chris. Hang in there, love.
You ARE an excellent teacher. They are crazy not to give you the job.
Fight!!!!! You can do it!!!
Go to the mattresses!!!! (And many other inspirational movie quotes about getting what you deserve!!!
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