Sunday, August 30, 2009

I love my new school.

My new school, Crenshaw, is turning out to be wonderful. It is really small. Each class is less than 10 kids except for my theatre class which has 15. Of course there are a couple of kids who are challenging, but you can deal with them! I mean that you can figure what's going on with them and help them. It is a luxury to have the ability to do that. I also found out that our school secretary is a Breast Cancer survivor - yay Cindy. I hope this continues to be what I think it is. I'm in love.

My sciatic nerve thing is getting somewhat better. I have been taking my meds and staying off my butt. The doctor said it was probably caused by too much sitting at once - INSERVICE!!!

My Occupational Therapist has released me. I'm not happy about it, but Chris gave me a lymph massage today and it really helped. I sure wish it was something I could do to myself. The area under my mastectomy scar gets swollen and hurts. Once again I thank God for Chris...

1 comment:

Joel David said...

Sometimes, all the time really, my hip flexor kills me if I sit for too long.
Glad the new school is starting out so well. Yay!