Sunday, August 23, 2009

And so it begins...

School starts tomorrow. I went in today (Sunday) to get some more "getting ready" done. I saw my schedule and freaked! I have 8 different classes to prep for! Language Arts for 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, Theatre Arts, Reading Lab for 5th grade, Writing lab for 7th grade, reading lab for 6th!!! I am trying to be calm and think of two of them as extensions of the regular class... I guess I'll just do my best. One of my classes is Theatre Arts, so I don't have really any planning to do for that... I choose to look on the bright side. Hey, I have a job.

Went to the doctor on Saturday and she thinks I have either one of two things, both of which are treated the same. It's either a swollen muscle or sciatica. She gave me a muscle relaxant that won't make me drowsy and put me back on the ibuprofen. I tolerate it pretty well, but I've been on it forever. I am to take one of each every 8 hours for a couple of weeks and see how it goes. Also, I am to sit as little as possible - not hard for a teacher.

I just got my "compression garment" that I had ordered and it seems to help with the lymphatic swelling that I get around my mastectomy site. I will have to wear it at night and if/when I fly again. It is basically a long line bra with only one cup. I must remember to take it to my physical therapy tomorrow. Vickie has been eager to see it. We're hoping that it does the job and I don't have to buy a more expensive, custom-made version.

I don't think I mentioned it but I have a couple of friends at Crenshaw (my new school) already. I am right across the hall from Jesse Minter, who teaches Science. We became friends at a writing workshop a couple of years ago and now we are neighbors! It's nice to go into a new school with a friend or two to help you along... She is very kind and has invited Chris and I to stay at her mobile home on the beach if we need/want to. Her house was destroyed in the hurricane. Everyone has been nothing but nice and helpful. Jackie, the building engineer (custodian) is GREAT.


Joel David said...

Hey my friend!
Sorry I have been out of touch. SO busy with getting our show refurbed and rehearsals, learning a new job, etc.
Sounds like you will be busy. It makes me happy. I always tell people who complain that I am glad to have a job, and a job that keeps me active is best.
Oh, I am so glad you have friends at the new job. I know how helpful that is.
Hey, I got to see the shuttle launch! We are in Orlando at the UCF arena so we went outside and got on top of a parking garage. It was awesome. You know Daniel Olivas is a mission specialist on this launch. When it is done he will probably hold the record for time spent in EVA. Isn't that cool? He used to pick me up over his head for fun.
So I hope you have a great year, great kids and a great time.
Know I am thinking of you.

Joel David said...

P.S. I am so sorry to hear you had to let Coinin go to a new home. But I am very glad you found a place for him. I'm sure the boys are both happier.