Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Cast of Selena's Play

Here is the cast and two directors, Brandon and Selena, for
Gary Grinkle's Battle with Wrinkles and Other Troubles in Mudgeville.
The show was REALLY cute. I saw it twice. Those of you that know me know I would
not just say that to be nice. I have become to critical and too much of a
curmudgeon to give idol, fake compliments. Don't get me wrong, this show will never
win any awards, but it was cute and the kids had a good time doing it.
Brandon, her partner, did a fantastic job on the scenery and they both
did a great job on the props and direction. I was really proud of them.
Brandon has been Selena's guardian angel this year and I told him I am so thankful
for his kindness to Selena that it actually brought tears to my eyes.
I tend to get pretty emotional when it comes to my lovely Selena.


Joel David said...

I got tears in my eyes too. I'm glad you both have each other and such good friends looking out for you.
I often wish I could be there, but we all have our paths. I know that.
Really I wouldn't be much use to you anyway. I'm not very handy around the house (repair-wise I mean) and I hate to drive. I'm only a marginal cook and I get a little peevish when things don't go my way.
Anyway, Dr. Silva's a babe. You may tell her I said so. But not any of the stuff about me being useless around the house.
XO J-)

Unknown said...

Great pics, Chris! How are you feeling? Selena look GREAT! I am loving her hair. It looks so pretty and soft!
