Sunday, February 21, 2010

Nothing new.

Nothing much new to report.

Chris is in Houston doing a Kaplan University course, so I've been home alone... The neighbors have been checking up on me - nice people. He did come home for a night/day and is leaving tonight.

School is stressing me out. This past week was benchmark testing and I am kind of dreading the results. I wish I knew what they were NOW so I could plan for the week... I've already decided to cover the "rule of three" so we'll see what else is needed. Good thing I think well on my feet.

Knee and ankle appear to be getting better. I still have some pain, but it isn't constant, so that is an improvement.

There are supposed to be people working on our roof, but I haven't seen hide nor hair of them.

We finally watched the season premiere of LOST last night and WOW. I love that show. I'm so glad it's back on, but sad that it is going to end soon. Chris and I have derived so much pleasure from discussing this show.

1 comment:

Mary Roy said...

Well, John fell hard onto his right heel in the garage and hopefully did not shatter it. We're praying it's just bruised and waiting for the xray results. We walk & hike a lot so it kind of sucks. Glad to hear your foot is healing. LOST is amazing this season. Can't wait for you to catch up! I wish we could talk during the episodes. John sometimes falls asleep during it and drives me nuts. I like to talk about it. Aggghhhh. How come there's been absolutely no mention of Michael & Walt? Hmm. Maybe later.