Saturday, February 6, 2010

I'm still, still here

I haven't been on here much lately. Busy. School/work is about all I can handle these days. I come home late and exhausted. I still enjoy my job, don't think otherwise. It's just hard. We are coming up on state testing and I have a bunch of kids that need lots of INTERVENTION. There are some that will not pass no matter what I do and it is frustrating beyond all belief. I also am in charge of WAY too much testing and record keeping associated with testing that has nothing to do with the actual teaching. In addition, I have been pulled from the classroom for a few trainings that my district has foolishly scheduled during the class day. I have another one coming up! I am on the textbook selection committee, so I have to review a lot of proposed English Language Arts textbooks and go to weekly meetings... Oh, yeah, I have been asked to study for and take the certification test for teaching English in High School since we will probably offer 9th grade next year. Yeah, my plate is oozing over the top in big gooey globs. I have at least put my foot down(somewhat) and will NOT be doing a UIL play.

We will definitely be in Galveston for at least another year. This is a good news, bad news thing. Chris didn't pass a couple of tests that he must pass in order to begin his residency, so he has an intensive study program planned that will allow him to "match" for residency next year. Anyone who knows him knows that he is capable, he just has to focus and do it. I am kind of happy because I love my school and like to know that the things I put in place this year are going to be foundation for next year. I am however, upset that Chris has to go through all this.

The leg (sprained ankle and knee) are still painful and although I apply heat every day when I get home from school, have been wearing the ankle and knee brace, and am using a cane, I don't see much improvement. I am having to take more pain medicine that I would like. Not lots, but I take a pain pill about once a day.

The breast, or lack, doesn't hurt much anymore. It does swell (lymph fluid) and hurt, but i guess my attention is on the leg so much that I'm not paying much attention.

This coming week is my court date for the seat belt ticket. I know I will be "not guilty" but I wish I didn't have to take the afternoon off work to attend to this. Another class I won't have with my kids!


Mary Roy said...

Selena, you have and are continuing to leave an imprint that is going to last for generations to come. I can't imagine that. What you are pouring into these kids' lives will go with them. No matter what happens, no matter how long you stay in Galveston (and I hope it's as long as you want it to be), your work is so valuable. I know you probably know this, but I wanted to rub your nose in it.

We'll be praying for your leg and for Chris' testing, etc. A blessing on your heads!

Love you...

Joel David said...

Hey! Wow! Definitely too much on your plate man. Still, good to be alive eh?
Don't even get me started on the whole testing thing in our schools. Don't. Get. Me. Started.
Sucks for Chris. Please tell him I am keeping a good thought and know he will excel.
Glad you get another year in Galveston to cement your "Legacy."
Speaking of court I just got a jury summons, grr. Always turns into a big waste of time, sigh.
Long talk with Bernice on her b-day and same for Wad. Good to catch up all around.
Keep on keeping on.
Much love, J-)