Saturday, November 1, 2008

Bulletin from Blake

Mum Notes: Selena came thru the surgery to have the port removed very well. She didn't throw any travelling clots. Afterward she had a CT scan and the lungs are clear. So now just the usual post surgery pain with two IV's, one a heparin drip and the other potassium, as it was low.
Her biggest concerns were having a couple of women lift and haul her from bed to gurney and back several times as she went for procedures. You all know how she feels about being heavy.
Today she can lift her head and eat by herself without too much pain, yesterday I had to feed her soup, and her "sparkle" is back. She has on those pressure boots to move the blood flow in her legs and is on bed rest with bathroom privelidges only. She is in a private room due to her immuno compromised status. Left arm is swollen and hard with fluid buildup but today has more mobility in fingers. Just now have to get the existing clots dissolved.Doctor is thinking she may go home Mon or Tues if all goes well.
We all appreciate the prayers and I will let her know when I go back to hospital that you all called and posted. D


Joel David said...

Hi all. Sorry I've been absent. Glad things went well with the surgery and clotting issues.
At Stella's right now so have access and she wanted to hear what was up. She sends her best and we are all keeping good thoughts.
Wrote my mom and asked her to keep you in her prayers. She was always so fond of you Sel and loved you on stage. She would go see you whether I was in the show or not as I recall.
Saw Paige and Betsy last night. Will see Ms. Wad tonight so keeping busy.
Thinking of you all. Take good care. Much love. J-

Cheryl Mae said...

Hi there...thinking about you daily. Hope you are feeling better. Keep fighting the good fight! Oh yeah...I TiVo "Dancing With The Stars" too...and I am all for Warren Sapp! Loved Cloris, though...I don't think I am as nimble as she is...she does beat me by a few years!
Sending hugs to you, dearest Sel...
Cheryl Mae